Annual Giving Campaign
Thank you for your commitment to Cascadia and the meaningful impacts you make through our Annual Giving Campaign. Last year’s campaign were used to install accessible raised beds, get an additional loom for fibre arts and extend our volunteer program. This year our theme is “Repair & Renew” as we look at what needs to be done. The Kaspar House basement suite is in need of repair after being impacted by flooding. The well-worn hardwood floors at Cascadia Day Centre need refinishing and the carpets are reaching the end of their lifespan. All of these projects ensure every corner of these sacred spaces are safe and welcoming with the warmth and care we offer every day.
Program Description
The Cascadia Society is a life-sharing community that includes adults with special needs. Cultural, artistic and therapeutic experiences are provided through residential home care and day activities within the urban setting of Vancouver’s North Shore. The Cascadia Society is dedicated to bringing healing to human beings and to the earth. Their primary task is to allow the potential in each person to unfold and to be in harmonious relationship with the environment.

In Cascadia, we strive to build a community that celebrates each individual and can make a social and cultural contribution to society. We hold the image of man as described in the western philosophy of Rudolf Steiner and the principles of Anthroposophy and the International Camphill Movement. Coworkers care for the well being of the human spirit within all of us regardless of ability level.
Follow Anthony’s Blog
Anthony’s Blog June 19, 2020
Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, the Cascadia program is using Zoom to include all of the companions, coworkers and parents. Every afternoon at one o’clock we meet on zoom to discuss one topic [...]
Anthony’s Blog March 6, 2020
This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our March songs and then Ruth T. read to us this week’s “Calendar of the Soul” verse. After that everybody shared their weekends and then we [...]
Anthony’s Blog February 28, 2020
In our Monday morning gathering, we sang our February songs and then Elliott read to us this week’s “Calendar of the Soul Verse”. After that everybody shared their weekends and then we spoke about the [...]