Anthony’s Blog April 26, 2019
This week in our Tuesday morning gathering, we sang our Spring songs and then Liisi read to us this week’s ‘Calendar of the Soul’ verse and then everybody shared their Easter long weekend. After that Gundula and Scott spoke about last week’s weather and John spoke to us about the stars. After a short break the students from Saint Edmund’s school came and took part in our workshops. In the afternoon we gathered into Circle Hall and practiced for our Green Man performance.
On Wednesday afternoon, we gathered into Circle Hall and had a meeting about leading images in our fairy tale, ‘The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.’
In our Thursday morning College we looked back at our Holy Week. To start off we tried to remember first the four elements that we have studied and then we also remembered what color Circle Hall was for each day of the week. After that we got into four different groups and spoke about the images that came to our mind when we think about the ‘Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily’ play. Then the first two groups presented a skit from the play. In the afternoon one group prepared food for the people at Oppenheimer park. Another group practiced ‘The Donkey’ fairy tale.
On Friday afternoon, we gathered into Circle Hall and discussed the meaning of leading images with our guests from Glenora farm. After that we did singing with Ashling and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Marijke.

Image from the Green Snake play in 2012: The Ferryman meets the Old Woman and the Prince