Anthony’s  Blog        January 10, 2020

On Monday morning, we gathered into Circle Hall and sang our Three Kings songs and then some of the companions told us about their Christmas holidays. After that our three kings came and took down our tree and took it outside. Then the three kings wrote their initials of their names and the year  C+M+B 2020. After a short break, we gathered back into Circle Hall and some of the companions, coworkers and volunteers performed the Three King’s Play. In the afternoon, we stirred the preparations for the earth and the world.

In our Thursday morning College Wendy and Jeff held a forum meeting.  We brainstormed what we are going to study for the rest of the year. Some companions came up to the front to suggest music, singing, dancing, dreams and the human body. Then we suggested a theme for this year’s Carnival.  We suggested a Mediterranean Odyssey to learn about all the different countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. After a short break, we started to play two new songs on our bells. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we gathered into our eurythmy, clay, reading, writing, novel, painting swimming and walking groups. Friday afternoon everyone did music with Alison.

A picture from our Paradise Play, performed before Christmas by some of our coworkers