Our Vision
The vision of the Cascadia Society is to develop a sustainable community together with people with developmental disabilities and to bring about the possibility for each person in the community to develop their innate potential.
We live, play and work within the urban setting of North Vancouver to accomplish this. The community celebrates the striving of the human spirit in many ways. We honour the contribution each person makes to the community.
Our vision requires both a healthy residential community and a vibrant centre for artisan crafts, training and therapy. Currently this encompasses a community of five homes and a Centre dedicated to the development of the potential of each individual.
The Cascadia Centre aims to:
- Provide a holistic program for people with developmental disabilities including work, cultural activities, artistic ventures and recreational activities.
- Maintain a cultural outreach program through our wider community networks
- Retain highly trained and experienced coworkers
- Provide ongoing coworker training
- Maintain a high quality craft program with artisan craft masters
- Be an integral part of the support network for those who choose to affiliate with the Cascadia Society
The Cascadia Skills Centre is located in two homes facing each other on a central North Vancouver street. They are close to trails, a stream, park sites and a couple of blocks from a main bus route. They provide a supportive environment for all of our activities, along with our five supported residences, and augmented by our usage of some larger meeting spaces within the North Vancouver community.
The Cascadia Centre is in a large, old, (1911) character home with space for the artisan crafts, artistic activities and therapies.
In 2010 we were fortunate to be able to purchase the home across the street from the Centre. After extensive renovations, the upper floor is a residence (Sophia House) and the lower floor (Circle Hall) houses a community meeting space and workshops.The garden and outdoor areas are currently under development.
Developing the Cascadia Homes: maintaining quality care and living options
At present we have two Cascadia homes in close proximity to the day centres, and three additional homes in North and West Vancouver. There is demonstrated need for at least two more homes.