This week in our Monday morning circle Monique told us a little bit about her trip to South Africa. She told us that she visited England and then she visited her son and daughter-in-law in South Africa. She told us that she would tell us more about her trip in this week’s college.

Also everybody talked about his or her weekend.

In the afternoon, Julia led us in Folk dancing.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings everybody worked in his or her workshops. Also on Tuesday morning Felix gave out brownies for his birthday.

This week in our Thursday morning college Monique told everybody about her trip to South Africa and she showed every one maps of where she travelled. Then Patricia and Ruth told about their visit to some Waterworks gardens in Renton Washington, that could give us some inspiration for the front garden at Circle Hall, which we are designing for our ongoing renovation. They also told about passing by the Tulip Festival in Skagit Valley, just south of here.

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“The Grotto” from the Renton Waterworks

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, showing some of the biggest tulip fields in the world.

We’re also enjoying the tulips at Kaspar House Garden: come by and have a look!

After college the bell players practiced bells with Lorna. In the afternoon everybody broke into their eurythmy, painting, clay, art studio, reading, writing, novel, singing and swimming groups.