This week in our Tuesday morning circle, Ruth T, Barbara and Laurel played some music from the Parsifal play and then we sang our spring songs.  After that Ruth T. welcomed us back from our Easter holidays.

View of the Goetheanum near Basel Switzerland. The red window is clearly visible in this view from the west.

View of the Goetheanum near Basel Switzerland.
The red window is clearly visible in this view from the west.

Ruth T. asked us if we remember the picture that Laurel was drawing during  holy week and then Ruth called me up and asked if I could tell everybody what kind of a picture Laurel drew.   I told them that the picture was of a scary looking face with the planet Saturn above it and a person walking on a mountain who is afraid to look down below.

Ruth T. also told us that this picture – the red window – is in the Goetheanum in the upper hallway.

After that Patrica announced that on Mondays and Fridays Lorna is going to do music therapy with us.

In our Thursday morning College, Jason talked to us about the two green windows that are in the Goetheanum.  We learned that there are two windows; the first window is in the north side of the building and the other   is in the south side of the building.  The window that is in the north side of the building has the theme of weight and the second window that is in the south side of the building shows the theme of lightness. In both pictures a human being is standing in between the sun and the moon with his arms out.

In another window it shows a human being sitting on a mountain with a snake like figure around him with all the planets inside the snake doing their movements.  Some of the companions dressed up like the planets and did the movements.

After a short break, Lorna’s bell choir practiced for our bell concert.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we broke in to our eurythmy, painting, reading, writing, clay and novel groups.

On Friday afternoon we all went for a walk.