This week in our Monday morning circle Eric introduced us to his roommate Eddie who will be working in the garden with us on Mondays.

Eric and Eddie

Eric and Eddie

During our sports report Romeo told us that he plays handball for a Vancouver team. He also told us how handball is played.
Then Ruth T, Susan, Jeff, and Doug told us about their trip to Duncan. Lastly, everybody else talked about his or her weekend.

In the afternoon we started to practice our Maple Pole dancing for our May Day celebration.

On Tuesday and Friday mornings everybody worked in his or her workshops.

On Wednesday morning the cooking group made vegetable soup and everybody ate it for lunch.

This week in our Thursday morning college we had a mix of college and forum meeting together. To start off Monique reviewed with us street safety and how to cross the road.

After that we had a forum meeting about what’s going to happen in the near future.
On May 9th we are going to Grand Boulevard for picnic and games.
May 25th – 26th we are having our ‘Art in the Garden’ at Kaspar House from 12:00 pm-5:00 pm.
May 27th – 31st we are having I.S.P. meetings.
June 13th is our Annual General Meeting.
On June 24th we are going to C- Dar farm to perform our Saint John’s play.
After June 24th we are starting our summer program. During this time we are going to redo the front yard at Circle Hall.
After a short break we practiced our bell playing for our concert in June.
In the afternoon we broke in to our gardening, painting, art studio, reading writing, singing and swimming groups.

On Friday morning everybody sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Marijke.