This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our spring songs and then Gundula read to us the ‘Calendar of the Soul’ verse. After that everybody shared their weekends. In Deepak’s feature of ‘Today in History’, he told us that in 1348 Britain’s knighthood was founded. In 1851, the first Canadian stamp was created. In 1900, the words ‘Hill Billy’ first appeared in the New York Country Journal. Then John, Aiden and Paul talked about the stars and then Gundula and Jeff talked about last week’s weather.
In our Thursday morning College, we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Megan and Marijke and then we learned about rhythms in biology. To start off, Lukas spoke to us about the twenty five year moon cycle. Then he spoke about the rhythms in sleeping when at some point during the night you are alternating between a light sleep and a sound sleep. Paul told us that the plant cycle starts when a small seed is planted in the ground. The sun helps the plant to open up its leaves and grow into a mature plant. The sun cycle is different from the plant cycle. The sun rises in the morning and moves a little bit in the sky and then when it is noon, the sun is at its highest point. By the time evening comes, the sun sets in the west. At the end of our College, we said good bye to our long time companion Sherrene.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we gathered into our eurythmy, painting, reading, writing, clay, swimming, youth group and art studio.