This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our spring songs and then we had our new feature: “This Week’s History” by Deepak. Deepak told us that this week in history, the very first soda pop machine, the very first exercise video and the very first computer was invented. Last but not least, Elvis Presley’s big hit song ‘Heart Break Hotel’ came out.

Here is a table all set for JSR: The event is tomorrow May 2!

Here is a table all set for JSR: The event is tomorrow May 2!

After that we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Thomas and then we heard about the stars, the weather, the soul calendar verse and our weekend.
On Tuesday morning, Monique introduced us to Phoebe who will be a new volunteer at Cascadia. Also on Wednesday morning during our break time Marijke brought fruit for us to eat in celebration of her birthday.
In our Thursday morning College, we learned about the two senses of sight and warmth. To start off Gundula did a review of the previous senses of touch, smell and taste. After that Gundula talked to us about the aspects of sight. Gundula told us that we need light to see. If there is too much darkness then we can’t see. We also learned that our eyes need to move around to see objects. After that Gundula put two pieces of paper on the black board and showed us the color green. We tried to identify which green is dark green and which green is light. She also put up a picture of a man and we had to figure out what he was doing – either running or just standing with his arms held up. Then we looked at creativity. This is when we can remember what was done by close observation of an object or person. A good example of this is when Mary left the room and we had to remember what she was wearing.
Barbara spoke to us about the sense of warmth. During her talk we did an experiment using three buckets; one was filled with hot water, another with cold water and the last one had room temperature water. At the same time we put one hand in hot water and the other hand in cold water and then we put both hands in the last bucket. When the hand went into the hot water, the hand felt to be at room temperature. When we put our hand in cold water, the water felt the same as the room temperature. The water in the last bucket felt cold. This showed us how our senses of warmth has a relationship to our environment.
After College we practiced our bells and we were visited by Ellott’s friend, Leah, who wanted to see our Music program.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we gathered into our eurythmy, painting, reading, writing, clay, swimming, and games and bowling groups.