This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our Spring songs and ‘Happy Birthday’ to Anthony. After that Deepak told us what happened in ‘Today’s History’. We learned that in 1868, the highest wave in Hawaii was surfed. Also in 1910, three men climbed Mount McKinley which was the highest mountain in Alaska. Last but not least, during a 1974 hockey game played by Toronto and Montreal, the players went into one hour and forty-five minutes of overtime. After that we talked about the weather, stars and our weekend. Maria read to us The Calendar of the Soul.
In our Thursday morning College, the Home Skills group taught us about fruit. To start off, Marie-Reine talked to us about nature growing and then fading away. She showed this by raising her arms up (growing) and then putting them down (fading). After that Scott tested us on how well we know our fruits. He did this by showing us different fruits (apple, pear, banana, strawberry etc.) and asking everyone which fruit is this. Then Lina told us how plants pollinate. Some plants self pollinate and other plants cross pollinate. Then some plants do both – self pollinate and cross pollinate.
After that the Home Skills group and one member of the Basket workshop performed a play about the bees taking pollen from a peach tree and transferring it to the apple tree which helps the apples to grow.
After a short break, we gathered into Circle Hall and practiced our bell playing and our lines for the Parsifal Play.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we went into our eurythmy, painting, swimming, clay, reading, writing, art studio, games and dancing groups.