This week in our Monday morning circle, Gundula lit two candles to start off our second week of Advent. After that we sang our Advent songs and Happy Birthday to Joe. We also talked about the weather, stars, sports and our weekends.
After that Patricia announced that we finally have a general store upstairs in Cascadia House.People can buy goods that were made in the different workshops like candles, cards, baskets, pottery and woven aprons. In the afternoon, we gathered into Circle Hall to practice the ‘Paradise’ play.
In our Thursday morning College, Ruth T. showed us pictures from the Madonna treatment of Mary and the Child. After that, Ruth T. played some quiet music just to show everybody what kind of a mood these pictures are in.
After a short break, the coworkers practiced Christmas songs on the bells and everybody sang along.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we broke into our Shepherd’s play, painting, and Paradise play practice.

Cascadia's Christmas shop, with lots of wonderful wares fr

Cascadia’s Christmas shop, with lots of wonderful wares from our workshops