This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our Advent songs and then John read to us this week’s ‘Soul Calendar’ verse and then everybody shared what they did on their weekends. In Deepak’s feature of ‘Today in History’ he told us that in 1866, the very first yacht race took place around the Atlantic Ocean. In 1964 Frank Sinatra Junior was kidnapped and finally returned to his parents after they paid a 240,000 dollar ransom. Last but not least in 1972, Eugen Cerman and Harrison Schmitt landed on the moon. After Deepak’s feature, we talked about the weather and the stars.
In our last Thursday morning College for 2017, we spoke about the Child. To start off Gundula reviewed what we had spoken about so far. Daniel wrote down words such as innocent, gentle, quiet. After that Patricia led us in remembering the journey of the child in our Iron Hans fairytale and then we made a spiral out of people holding each other’s hands.
After a short break we practiced for our ‘Shepherds’ play.
On Wednesday and Thursday we broke into our painting, clay, reading, writing, swimming and cooking groups. On Friday afternoon, a small group of companions and co-workers sang Christmas songs with Karin playing her accordion and Ashling playing her guitar.