This week in our Monday morning circle, we welcomed our friend Jeremy who is doing a practicum for a week. Also we welcomed our former coworker Ida who came for a visit. Then Ruth T. told us that on Friday afternoon we will be going to Cate’s park to watch Wes’s brother in-law Dennis do Native dancing. After that we talked about the weather, stars, sports and our weekends and we also sang Happy Birthday to William.
In the afternoon, one group went swimming and another group stayed at Circle Hall and did Russian dancing and singing with Jane.
In our Thursday morning College, Jane and Ruth T. told us about the famous painter and stained glassmaker Marc Chagall. We learned that Marc Chagall was born on July 7,1887 in Vitebesk, Belarus. At the age of seventy, Chagall started to make stained glass windows telling the stories from the Bible such as Noah’s Ark, Adam and Eve, David and Goliath and others. After that Ruth T. told us how Chagall worked on the glass windows of the Frauenkirche in Zurich.
After Jane’s lesson, we looked at two windows. The first window showed pictures of the Prophets from the Old Testament and the second window showed a picture of Moses bringing down the Ten Commandments.
They are
1. I am the Lord thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
4. Honour thy Father and thy Mother
5. Thou shalt not kill.
6. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
7. Thou shalt not steal.
8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s goods.
After a short break, Lorna’s bell choir practiced for the Spring Concert.
In our Friday morning circle, we sang Happy Birthday to Rosalie.
On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, we broke into our eurythmy, painting, reading and writing groups.
On Thursday afternoon, we gathered in to Circle Hall where Gundula and Leslie gave us a presentation about the ocean. Gundula told us to love the water and respect all things in it. Then Leslie dressed up as the ocean and told us that the ocean covers 361million square kilometres and it is 3750 meters deep. She also said that the ocean has a lot of creatures living in it like fish, octopus, seaweed, jellyfish and whales. Also the ocean is surrounded by different countries of the world like Canada, United States of America, China, Japan, India, Korea and South America. After that we all poured special water from the creek into a bowl and Gundula took some of this water to a conference about the ocean’s water in California.
On Friday afternoon we all went to Cates Park to watch Denis perform a water healing ceremony. Denis first told us about the history and life of the Native people back in the late 1800’s. After that he sang the Native welcoming song and then he showed us some historical sites where the Natives used to live. Then he played the Eagle song on his drum and we danced and sang along. After that we poured the special creek water in to the Ocean and sent our good thoughts and wishes for healing.

Everybody gathered at Cates Park

A special occasion: Dennis shares the native heritage of Cates Park with us