This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Marietta and Caity. After that we talked about the weather, stars and our weekends.
Candlemas Celebration
On Tuesday morning, we gathered onto the mosaic and sang our Groundhog and Candlemas songs. Then Monique told us the meaning of Candlemas. Today is the day Jesus was presented in the Temple by Mary and Joseph. John spoke about the quality of light around candlemas time. Then we held a candle and walked around the spiral in a figure eight and shared the light with each other. We put a candle on the front lawn, Kaspar House garden, alley, and in Sophia House garden – in the four different directions (north, south, east and west).
In the afternoon, we assembled into Circle Hall where Abegael told us two stories. The first story was about St. Bridget and the second story was about Persephone. After that Ruth T. explained how Solomon built the big temple in Jerusalem .
In our Thursday morning college, we welcomed back our former co-worker Meghan. Then Simran taught us a children’s lullaby from India called ‘Chanda Mamma Se’ which means uncle moon. After that John told us the story about Rama and Sita and about what we are going to do for our India Carnival. Ruth T. announced that Channa Seidenberg is going to come and visit us in the middle of April for a special music week.