This week in our first Monday morning gathering for 2017, we sang our Three Kings’ song and then we talked about the weather, stars and our weekends. In the afternoon, everybody gathered into Circle Hall and we started to make a memory book for Ruth O. by drawing pictures and writing messages to her.
In our Thursday morning College, we had a meeting to discuss our day program. We decided to have a shorter break time after lunch. We also decided to try some adjustments to our work days. New Year’s resolutions!
After that we had a retirement party for our long time worker Ruth O. Many of our companions and workers spoke about their memories of Ruth. She has been with us for many years.


Evan, Deepak and Sim prepare food to take to the homeless in the Downtown East Side

Evan and coworkers prepare food to take to the homeless in the Downtown East Side

Aileen presented a special book and gifts from all of us to Ruth Oslund as a thank you for all her work at Cascadia

Aileen presented a special book and gifts from all of us to Ruth Oslund                     as a thank you for all her work at Cascadia