This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our Winter songs and then Marie Reine read to us this week’s ‘Calendar of the Soul’. After that we shared our weekends. After Deepak’s feature about ‘Today in History’, we were introduced to a visitor who might join some of our music programs and then we talked about the stars and the weather. We concluded our Monday morning gathering by singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to our co-worker Cary.
In our Thursday morning college, we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Jeff and then we turned to the second field of study, Biology. Paul, our coworker taught us that everything in life is made up of millions of cells that are so tiny we can only see them with a microscope. Then we watched two videos of cells splitting apart. This is called cell division. We also learned that the nucleus is in the middle of the cells and that the nucleus holds the D.N.A. which is the information about every organism. After a short break, the College group gathered into Circle Hall and created their own cell by standing around each other and Jeff moving into the centre of the cell. Then we drew pictures of cells for a book about Biology.
On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons we gathered into our eurythmy, painting, reading, writing, youth guidance, art studio, clay and singing groups. Also we had a good bye party for our coworker Christine.


Paul amazed us by projecting cells seen through a microscope so that we could all see them.

Paul amazed us by projecting cells seen through a microscope so that we could all see them.