Three Kings’ Celebration
On Wednesday morning, we gathered into Circle Hall and sang our Three Kings’ songs. After that the Three Kings (John, Daniel, Aiden) came and took down the decorations and candles off of the Christmas tree. Then they took it outside. Daniel wrote the initials of the Three Kings (Kaspar, Melchior, Balthazar) and the year (K.M.B. 2016) on the door frame of Circle Hall.
After a short break, we put on our costumes and performed the Three Kings Play. During the play, a jealous and angry King Herod found out that there was a new king born in the town of Bethlehem. He ordered his High Priests to go to the town to find the new king. They obeyed but they didn’t find him. King Herod was very upset. While this was happening, three Magi also known as the three Kings traveled from their home country in the east to visit the newborn king. The star led them to the town of Bethlehem. When they found the new born King, they knelt and gave him their gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense. The three kings returned to their homeland by another route in order to avoid King Herod.
After the visit from the Three Kings, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to take his wife Mary and his newborn child out of Bethlehem because King Herod had ordered that all boys under two years of age should be killed. So Joseph took his family and fled to Egypt.
In the afternoon, we gathered on the mosaic and stirred the preparation for the Three Kings.

Laura, Cascadia volunteer from 2014-15, is now in Brazil as part of a youth initiative program. This is how 3 Kings looks where she is!

Laura, Cascadia volunteer from 2014-15, is now in Brazil as part of a youth initiative program. This is how 3 Kings looks where she is!

Laura with one of the cast members

Laura with one of the cast members