This morning we all gathered into Circle Hall to present what we do at Cascadia to our visitors, Anita and Henrietta. To start off our presentation Patricia introduced us to Anita who is from Vancouver Island and Henrietta who comes from New York.
After that Patricia announced that Fred won first place in swimming in the Special Olympics and Aiden won first place in golf. Then we sang the Cascadia song. Jeff on the chrotta and Ruth T. on the lyre played a therapeutic song that is often played for people who have different illnesses.
Ruth T. explained our three goals for Cascadia companions and coworkers.
In our skill goal we are working on improving in our workshops. In our social goal we are working towards helping other people, treating them with kindness and respect and on improving on all our personal goals. In our art goal, we participate in eurythmy, bell choir and performances for the public.
Next we presented our Cascadia statement:
‘The Cascadia Society for Social Working contributes to society by creating opportunities for people of all abilities to fulfill their potential through living, learning and working in community.’
After that Anita and Henrietta gave us a talk about what they did. They are surveyors from CARF (The Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities). Then Steven and I presented a gift of candles and weaving from our workshops to Anita and Henrietta.
After our presentation the mosaic group went to the Waldorf School to practice for our fairy tale ‘The Seven Ravens’ on the Bells.
In the afternoon we broke into our eurythmy, clay and garden groups.