Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, the Cascadia program is using Zoom to include all of the companions, coworkers and parents. Every afternoon at one o’clock we meet on zoom to discuss one topic .

Our first major topic was animals. We talked about lions, tiger, elephant, giraffe, rhinoceros, camel, crocodile, raccoons, skunk, turtle. Many companions drew pictures and researched information. Then we shared our information.

After that we turned our attention to the four elements, earth, water, air and fire.

Next, we took a break from research to do a week of singing our favorite Beatles and Disney songs and many other favorites. We had a great time, everyone joined in.

Our next topic was sports. We had Erica Wiebe, an Olympic wrestler, speak to us about her career and her successes. She was very interesting.

Our last topic was about professions. We had Stephen Hudson’s sister talk to us about nursing and doctors. On Friday, we spoke about our favorite teachers.

This week we will be talking about our parents’ jobs.