This week in our Monday morning gathering, we had a Forum meeting. To start off Patricia asked everybody what was their highlight of the year. Some said Oppenheimer Park, others said trip to Queen Elizabeth park, the fairy tale ‘Shoes that were Danced to Pieces’, carnival, working in the garden and new volunteers. After that Monique asked everybody, “What work shop they would like to be in during our summer program?” Some answered working in the garden, others said clay and fibre arts. After our meeting we spoke about our weekends.
In the afternoon, we gathered into Circle Hall to practice our ‘Saint John’s Play.’ On Tuesday morning our former volunteer Jenny came to visit and to help us in the basket workshop.
In our Thursday morning College, we learned more about the characters in the Parzival play. Monique told us about Parzival’s mother, Herzeloyde. After that Aiden and Megan told us the life story of the great and ever powerful King Arthur. Daniel told us about Gurnemanz. While they were talking, Lina drew pictures of scene three and four on the blackboard
After a short break, we practiced our bell playing.
On Friday morning, the elementary students from Waldorf came to our centre to spend the whole day with us. During their visit they took part in the different workshops. They also took part in the Saint John’s Play practice.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we got into our eurythmy, painting, clay, reading, writing, youth guidance and Saint John’s play practice.

Lina is creating beautiful pictures of all of the scenes of Parsival for the college sessions.

Lina is creating beautiful pictures of all of the scenes of Parsival for the college sessions.