This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our spring songs and then we talked about the weather, stars, sports and our weekends. After that Gundula explained how to make a willow basket.
On Tuesday morning, we gathered into Circle Hall to hear Jason tell the legend of how the cross came about. In this story, Adam’s third son Seth tries to get into paradise but the angel told him that he had to wait 5,550 years. An angel gave Seth three seeds which he placed in Adam’s mouth. Adam swallowed the seeds and out of these seeds came a tree in the shape of a cross.
In our Thursday morning college, Gundula taught us about Delphi. Zeus wanted to find out where the center of the earth was, so he sent two eagles, one from the east and one from the west and where they landed was the center of the earth. This place became known as Delphi. This is where the temple of Apollo was built and where oracles were known to tell the future. Then Diane told us the story about the oracles in the temple. Mary, Aiden and I acted out how the oracles told the future.