This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our March songs and our ‘Welcome to you Spring Song.’ After that Maria told us that today is the first day of spring and also today is the Persian New Year. Then Maria read to us this week’s ‘Soul Calendar’ verse. After that everybody shared their weekend and then John talked to us about the stars. Gundula and Scott talked about last week’s weather. Mary read to us this week’s Newsletter.
In our Thursday morning College, the basket workshop taught everybody about leaves. Gundula told us about the color green. Then she drew a picture of the yellow sun and the blue earth and mixed them together to make the color green. After that I talked about how the leaf develops. First, there is a seed, that develops a root and then a bud sprouts and a leaf grows. The leaf dies when it has been cut off from water and then it turns brown. Deepak and Stephen talked to us about the uses of leaves and photosynthesis. Then we performed a play about a human being who was born on the earth and he met a seeds and they found that they both needed each other in order to breathe.
After a short break, we gathered into Circle Hall to play bells again. Also Patricia worked on our speech with us and we started to practice the lines for the Parsival play.
On Wednesday and Thursday, we broke into our eurythmy, painting, reading, writing and art studio groups. On Friday we set up for our Open House and Craft Fair in Circle Hall. Then on Saturday afternoon our family and friends came to explore the different workshops, watch two demonstrations of eurythmy and visit Kaspar House’s garden.

Ferdinand Leeke (German painter) 1859 - 1925, Parsifal In Quest Of The Holy Grail, 1912, oil on canvas, public collection

Ferdinand Leeke (German painter) 1859 – 1925, Parsifal In Quest Of The Holy Grail, 1912, oil on canvas, public collection