Learning first elements of Morris Dancing on the mosaic

Learning first elements of Morris Dancing on the mosaic

This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang songs of peace and also sang “Happy Birthday” to Marijke and Megan and then they shared what they did on their birthdays. After that we talked about the weather, stars, sports and our weekends.
In the afternoon, we gathered on the mosaic and did skipping and morris dancing.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, we broke into our eurythmy, painting, reading, writing, clay art studio, singing and dancing groups.
In our Thursday morning College, Ruth T. reviewed what we spoke about in our last Thursday morning college. After that Bogdan told us about a man who lived in prehistoric India, 9000 years ago. Then Bogdan told us about ancient India during the time when the seven rishis inspired humanity.
Then, Lorna’s Bell choir practiced their bell playing.
On Friday afternoon, one group went swimming and another group did spacial dynamics.