This week in our Tuesday morning circle we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Aileen. Then everybody told us about his or her Victoria weekend.
During lunch we celebrated Aileen’s birthday with strawberries and whipped cream.
In the afternoon a small group of companions said good bye to our companion Maria who is returning home to Norway.
On Wednesday and Friday mornings we prepared for ‘Art in the Garden’ by cleaning up the compost, clipping and weeding the garden.
This week in our Thursday morning college Patricia told us about her trip to Hawaii. She told us that Hawaii is an island in the Pacific Ocean. Also their language has thirteen letters. She taught us some Hawaiian words like ‘aloha’ which means hello and good bye. The word for thank you is ‘mahalo’. We also learned that the turtle brings good luck. Then Patricia showed us pictures of where Ruth and her stayed and what they saw.
After a short break we practiced our bell playing for our June concert.
In the afternoons we broke into our eurythmy, painting, clay, reading, writing, garden, singing and swimming groups.
Art in the Garden
This weekend Ruth T. held her yearly ‘Art in the Garden’ show at Cascadia’s Kaspar house where the companions spend time gardening. Visitors could walk through the garden to see the many flowers. Vegetables were seen growing in soil and a variety of containers, like wicker baskets (made by the companions) and compost mounds. We also saw the large containers for composting. During the show, John showed everybody his clay work and Vern showed his colourful paintings. Also Jennifer entertained everyone with her guitar playing and singing voice. On Sunday the entertainment was done by our friends Mark and Lorna Fortin.