Here is a picture from last year's St. Martin's festival. This year St. Martin was riding a white horse!

Here is a picture from last year’s St. Martin’s festival. This year St. Martin was riding a white horse!

On Wednesday evening , our families and friends came to Cascadia to celebrate Saint Martin’s day. To start off the celebration, we gathered in front of Cascadia House. Ruth T. led us in singing Saint Martin songs and then she told us what we would be doing. Then we walked to the park with our lit lanterns where we watched the pageant of St. Martin. Saint Martin rode through the park on his white horse. When he saw a beggar (Aiden), cold and sitting on the ground he gave the beggar half of his cloak. After that, everybody walked back to Cascadia centre where we had refreshments and heard a talk about light into darkness.
In our Thursday morning college, Brigitte told us about Saint Bridget. We learned that she was a refugee from Ireland and moved to the Island of Iona. She spent most of her life there, helping the poor, healing the sick and working with the elements. She led a life full of love and caring for others. Saint Bridget became known for the protection of houses and homes. Her feast day is always celebrated on the first of February.
After a short break, Lorna’s bell choir practiced their bell playing and some of the co-workers practiced their eurythmy movements to music.