This week in our Monday morning circle, we talked about the weather, sports, stars and our weekends. Ruth T. announced that our former co-worker Romeo is coming to visit us on Thursday and Friday.
In the afternoon, one group went swimming and another group stayed at Circle Hall to practice their eurythmy movements for our fairy tale.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, we broke in to our eurythmy, painting, reading, writing and novel groups.
This week in our Thursday morning College, we welcomed back our former coworker, Romeo. After that, we had a Forum meeting. To start off Ruth O. talked about what the workshops talked about last Thursday in College. After that we talked about what it means to belong in a community and how to live with one another. Also we decided that this year’s theme would be about our city of Vancouver.
After a short break, Lorna’s bell choir practiced for the fairy tale.
During our lunch break one group sang songs with Jim and his friend Barrie.

The Hallowe’en House!
In our Friday morning circle, Ruth T. told us how they got the Halloween house. She told us that twelve years ago in October of 2002, Ruth, Susan and Jeff went trick o’ treating at the house that is now called Cascadia House. Susan ran up the stairs and went in to the house. Two years later, Patricia walked past that house and discovered that the house was for sale. Patricia went back to Kaspar House and said “I found the house that we have been looking for.” The Board found the money to make a down payment and so the house was bought. It had been named “The Halloween House” because the previous owner loved to celebrate Halloween with one hundred pumpkins and the big black spider. After that Ruth T. told us that our theme for Halloween will be about nature beings. .
On Friday afternoon, one group went swimming and another group stayed at Circle Hall and tried on costumes for the fairy tale.