Mary and William move water drops across the page

Mary and William move water drops across the page

This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our Saint Michael songs and ‘Happy Birthday’ to Ruth T. After that Natalie read to us this week’s ‘Calendar of the Soul’ verse. Then Deepak talked to us about ‘Today in History’. He told us that in 1848, the first Homeopathic Medicine College opened in Pennsylvania. He also said in 1923, the Disney studios were opened and in 1950 the first edition of C.S. Lewis’ ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ was published. In 1978 Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected to be the next Pope. He took the name John Paul II. Last but not least, in 1987 Baby Jessica was rescued from a well. After that everybody came up to the front and shared their weekend. Then we talked about the past week’s weather and also the stars. In the afternoon, we gathered into Circle Hall to practice our fairy tale ‘Iron Hans’.
In our Thursday morning College, Felix, Stephen and Marie-Rein showed us a vortex. Felix mixed glycerine, salt and sugar separately with water to show us different vortexes. After that Marie-Reine showed us the movements by using her hands. Then we joined in by doing the same movements. Felix then read to us three poems about the vortex. After a short break, we practiced our Mary Poppins songs and then we practiced our bell playing.
On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, we broke into our eurythmy, painting, clay, swimming, reading, writing and art studio groups. Then on Friday afternoon, the grade four and grade eight students came to practice the fairy tale.