This week in our Monday morning circle, Ruth T. explained this week’s Calendar of the Soul verse. She announced that on Thursday it is Karl Koenig ‘s 113 birthday. She told us that he was the founder of Camphill in Scotland, which led to the founding of more than 100 communities around the world, including ours, and this is the verse for his birthday.

 I can belong now to myself   And shining spread my inner light   Into the dark of space and time.   Toward sleep is urging all creation,   But inmost soul must stay awake   And carry wakefully sun's glowing   Into the winter's icy flowing.

I can belong now to myself
And shining spread my inner light
Into the dark of space and time.
Toward sleep is urging all creation,
But inmost soul must stay awake
And carry wakefully sun’s glowing
Into the winter’s icy flowing.

After that we talked about the weather, stars, sports and our weekends. In the afternoon one group went swimming and another group did eurythmy. In our Thursday morning College, Ruth O. talked to us about our Michaelmas preparation. She told us that on Monday morning everybody is supposed to bring a vegetable for the soup that some people are making. She also brought us an iron sword, which different people took turns polishing during our meeting. After that Patricia came up to the front and told us about the two words, light and warmth and how they are connected to the summer time. We spoke the words together. Then we spoke two other words, strength and power, which are in a song about St. Michael and fit to the fall and Michaelmas time. Also Jason, and a couple of companions showed everybody the name Michael (Mi-cha-el) in eurythmy and Patricia did the speech to it. Then another couple of companions and coworkers came up to the front and told us how they conquer their fears and become brave. After a short break, Lorna’s bell choir practiced their bell playing for our fairy tale. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon , we broke in to our eurythmy, painting, clay, reading and writing groups. On Friday afternoon one group went swimming and another group practiced for the fairy tale.