This week in our Monday morning circle, Jeff, Susan and Patricia told us about their trip to Vancouver Island.

In the afternoon we stayed at the centre and practiced our tango steps.

On Tuesday morning everybody worked in his or her workshops.

In the afternoon, we broke into our clay, painting and eurythmy groups.

Wednesday morning, the farm group went to the farm and did their work and brought back some manure.

In the afternoon we broke into our painting and reading and writing groups.

This week in our Thursday morning college, Ruth T told us about Saint John. We learned that Saint John was born six months before Jesus was born. We learned that Saint John baptized Jesus near the Jordan River. After that, we practiced our lines for our Saint John’s play which will be performed on Thursday, June 21st at 11:00 a.m. at C-Dar farm.

After a short break we went to Sophia house and practiced our music for the Hansel and Gretel play. During our practice, we composed our very own music by using different notes on the bells.

In the afternoon, the reading group read their Narnia novel. The eurythmy group went for a walk and the clay group worked with John and Martha.

Friday morning, Beket told us about his trip to Europe. He told us that He travelled to Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Greece.

Later, the basket workshop worked at Sophia house cutting willows.

During break time, we sang Happy Birthday to Alistair (the basketmaker from Hornby, who is staying with us while he fixes up our beautiful bench) and Leslie.

In the afternoon, some companions went swimming and others stayed at the centre and sang with Forrest.