This week in our Monday morning circle Ruth T. introduced us to our visitors from Nelson, Jacquie and her son Jason. Everybody talked about his or her weekend activities and then Ruth T. told us that next week is Holy Week.
In the afternoon Julia led us in folk dancing at Circle Hall.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning everybody worked in his or her workshops.
This week in our Thursday morning college, Barbara, Steven and Mary taught us about Emily Carr. We learned that Emily Carr was born in Victoria in 1871. Her love for nature inspired many of her paintings. Later on she decided to go to Paris to study art. When she returned, she traveled around British Columbia. She did Native painting in Ucluelet, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Prince Rupert, Kispiox, Kitwanga and Skidegate. After listening to her biography, we made a collage of an Emily Carr painting using paper and glue.
After a short break we practiced bells for our next fairy tale.
In the afternoon we practiced for our Palm Sunday concert.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon we broke into our eurythmy, painting, clay, reading, writing, singing and swimming groups.
March 24, 2013.
This afternoon all our friends and families came to Circle Hall to celebrate its official opening. Patricia welcomed everybody. Then the companions and co-workers under the direction of Marianne gave a short concert. The band played Mozart’s ‘Alleluja’ and ‘Music is over’, Bach’s ‘Jesus Joy of my Desiring’, two Japanese folk songs, ‘Full Moon and ‘Sakura’. After our concert, Patricia, Bert, Darrell Mussatto, the Mayor of North Vancouver, Ruth O. and Lesliea spoke about Circle Hall and then thanked everyone for supporting the project.
After that we sang the Cascadia song and then we played ‘Allelujia’ over again and then we had refreshments.
We would like to thank you for coming to our celebration.