Anthony’s Blog March 4, 2016
This week in our Monday morning gathering, we welcomed back our companion, Caity, and we talked about the weather, stars, sports and our weekend. Then Monique introduced us to our new coworker, Francesca, who is from Italy. After that Laurel told us what a typical day is like in the weaving workshop.
In our Thursday morning College, Ruth T. and Kay gave a presentation about the temple in Ephesus. We learned that there were 127 pillars built for the temple. When we looked at the number 127, we discovered that there are three sets of numbers. First, the number one represents all of the cosmos; next the number twelve represents the whole zodiac and lastly number seven represents the number of planets. We also learned that students in ancient times would go to the temple for schooling and to learn about the zodiac, stars and planets. The temple was built for the Greek goddess, Diana. In the middle of the temple was a huge statue of Diana. After hearing about the temple, we walked from Circle Hall to Kaspar House and discovered that from Jones Street to Kaspar House is the same length as the temple. During our walk, we looked up at the tall trees and found out that some are the same height as the pillars, 60 feet high.
On Friday morning, we had an earthquake drill.