This week in our Monday morning gathering, we sang our May and Ascension songs. After that Marie-Reine read to us this week’s Soul Calendar verse and then we had our new feature of ‘Today in History’ with Deepak. He told us that today in 1873 the very first rubber tire was invented. In 1886 Coca-Cola was invented. Also in 1945 it was Victory Day in Europe when the Nazis surrendered and World War 2 ended. On a lighter note, Sean Connery made his first James Bond movie, Dr. No in 1963. After that John told us about the stars and then we looked at the weather.
In our Thursday morning College, we learned about the senses ‘thought’ and ‘ego’. To start off Simran talked about ‘thought’. She told us that thought is an idea or a feeling that either comes from the mind or heart. Then we did an experiment where we had to close our eyes and see our thoughts. After that Clara and David talked to us about the sense of ego. After we have thought about ourselves, we learn that the sense of ego is noticing another person’s self, the person that you are interacting with. After a short break we practiced our bell playing and acting for our Parsifal play.

Ruth thanks Clara, David and Sim for their contributions on the senses of thought and ego

Ruth thanks Clara, David and Sim for their contributions on the senses of thought and ego

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we gathered into our eurythmy, painting, clay, reading and writing, games and medieval dancing groups.