This week in our Tuesday morning gathering, we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Marie Reine and then we sang our May and Ascension songs. After that Marie-Reine spoke our ‘Calendar of the Soul’ verse. Then Deepak explained to us what happened in history today. He told us that in 1919 the first steam propelled ship crossed the Atlantic Ocean. In 1939 Bonnie and Clyde died. The very first revolving restaurant opened in Seattle’s Space Needle in 1961. In 1997 Johnny Carson retired from the Tonight Show and Ireland voted for same sex marriage in 2015. After that everybody shared their weekends and then John talked to us about the stars and Gundula talked to us about last week’s weather.
We sang the song ‘Welcome to You’ to the Grade 8 students from Waldorf High School who came to participate in our workshops for two days.
On Thursday morning we travelled to Queen Elizabeth Park by bus, sky train and a couple of cars. When we arrived, we celebrated Ascension as we walked up a hill to have a picnic in the park. Some of the companions went for a walk around the park and others looked at the birds, flowers and the trees. We had a great day.
On Wednesday and Friday afternoon, we broke in to our eurythmy, painting, clay, games and dancing groups.